A field of medicine that can cure skin diseases - Dermatology
branch of medicine that deals with the skin, hair, nails and its diseases is
known as dermatology. It is a field which can help cure diseases through
medicine and through a surgery. The skin is the most visible and the largest
organ inside human body and it weighs an average of 4 kilograms. It is made of
three different layers and there are many conditions which can affect the organ
system of an individual. Advanced dermatology is a field of medicine
which cures skin diseases and infections for adults and children. With the use
of latest technology and equipment, a dermatologist can diagnose and cure
different skin infections. Some of the most common conditions include vitiligo,
acne, dermatitis, eczema, fungal infections, nail problems, hair disorder, psoriasis,
rosacea, skin cancer and warts. All the diseases have different methods of
diagnosis and cure and only an experienced dermatologist can help you with the
same. He can use a variety of treatments to cure and prevent a skin condition
from occurring. You need to pay special attention to your skin and its health.
Contact a dermatologist at the earliest if you notice a skin infection or a
change in the way your skin feels.
Original Source:
https://medium.com/@samgulbahce/a-field-of-medicine-that-can-cure-skin-diseases-dermatology-4b2e5ee9652f |
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